Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Few Carter Moments:

He loves to play hide and seek. He'll go hide somewhere obvious- like putting one of Daddy's hats over his head and then say "where did Carter go?". As in- "mom pretend you can't tell where I am and go looking for me". So that's what I do. I look on the ceiling and behind chairs until he jumps out from where ever and says "here is Carter"! So funny. While today at dinner, I had Kai sitting on the table eating food in his bumbo. Kai blocked my head from Carter's view and so Carter said, "where's Mama?" Then he points to the ceiling and says. "Mama up dere....No." And then he says "Mama hind the nannas...No." Haha. He's so funny.

Other favorite saying lately: I say, "Carter, are you tired?" He says, "No, I happy!" Love love.

A Kai Moment:

Kai is eating solids! I really wanted to just nurse him exclusively for a year, but I guess that's not fair because he loves to eat and seems to need the extra calories. He's loved everything so far except alas my pureed broccoli. Oh darn.