Friday, October 11, 2013

Attempts at Discipline

Carter is in his terrific twos- and has a few slightly terrible moments. On one of the days when I was not acting like the mother of the year, I told him to "go away!" I don't even remember why- I just remember I had had it. Well now I'm paying for it! Anytime he gets upset he's been yelling at me to "go away mom!". Oh it hurts my feeling so much it's almost embarrassing. So I decided I needed to teach him that saying things like that wasn't nice, but without getting angry. So I decided to try putting soap in his mouth- my mom used to do this. So the first time I put a dot of soap on his tongue he cried and it was sad. The second time he fought me hard, so I said I'd let him have another try. The third time I tried to put soap in his mouth (all in about 20 minutes) he says to me "Mom, no not in here, soap is for my hair!" Haha. Maybe he's too young to make that association yet! I also make Carter hold my hand when we cross the street or in parking lots which he hates. We walked from the car to the doors of walmart yesterday and as soon as we walked in the door I let go of his hand. While then he was so upset and bolted towards the door which terrified me because he would run right into the street!- but he turned around as soon as got just outside the doors and stepped over the threshold himself! Haha. That boy is so independent- how dare I take him one step further holding his hand then absolutely necessary!