Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Where Babies Come From... A Conversation with a 2 2/3 year old.

Carter is standing by his train basket with his diaper off trying to push his train "Dash" up his ding dong. "What are you doing Carter?", I ask. "Mom, I'm pushing my train into my belly because I'm going to have a baby". "Oh, well Carter, you can't have babies because you are a boy. When you get big, you'll get married like mommy and daddy, and then the mommy will have the babies. You will have the priesthood and give people blessings from Heavenly Father to help them be happy", I explain. "Oh Mom, I need a hug because that makes me so so sad. I don't like it." This poor kid has no idea! Other funnies- following behind me he says, "Mom I'm in your hind!". And before I never write it down, at Christmas time Carter was saying a prayer over a meal. He closed in the name of Jesus Christ, and then said, "Oh and Merry Christmas!" What a sweet boy. Kai guy is walking! Full blown walking! He started the week before he turned 11 months old, and he is doing amazing. He walk all around the house now and gets into everything! He's become so much more of an independent little guy. So nice! He used to want mommy to hold him all day long, but now he's a baby on a mission to explore every nook and cranny. He also loves to mimick me saying "Dadadadada". So cute. I love my babies. I love them even more now than I did last month because now that we've been home for a while, they are finally sleeping through the night regularly! Yay. That means a much happier mommy.