Sunday, September 29, 2013

Like 13 Carter Moments

Carter Moments: 1. "I not tired, I happy!" 2. When he's mad at mom points a finger at me and says "you're tired!" 3.Where's Jason Carter? "Jay is on a missin' and teach about Jesus"! 4. "Mom, shut the door I goin' on a mission". (zthe day Jason left our house to report to the MTC. 5. Carter we're going home to see papa and Nina and watch president Monson on friday! "No pwofet monson, only Pluto!" (my parents neighbors' dog.) 6. I was trying to get ready in the bathroom, Carter was playing in the bath, and Kai was sitting between my legs. Kai tipped over and hit his head on the base of the vanity. (ouch!) Carter gets a very concerned look on his face, almost to tears and says, "Mom be carwful wis my bruder!" Haha. 7. We made pumpkin bread tonight and of course left a loaf within his reach on the counter. He reaches up and grabs half of the loaf in his hand and then with huge bulging eyes says, "Wow! I gonna eat cake!" 8. Carter do you want to go to church today? "Yeah and have snacks and sings songs with fwiends!" (so glad he loves church for the food!) 9. After every suggestion we make to go anywhere or do anything he says, "Yay! That would be fun!" so cute. 10. As I'm loading the dishwasher one day he says, "mom, I wanna be a helper!" and then he loaded all the silverware himself and was so proud! 11. Oh this one is funny. His little bum hole is all sore and red so whenever he needs a diaper change he tells me, "mom I need some toothpaste fow my bum!" (his diaper rash ointment is called buttpaste) Haha. 12. His new favorite story is about Jonah and the "big fish"! We are reading bible stories right now. My favorite thing is he says, "And the fish ate Jonah's hairs!" 13. When I listened to the general relief society broadcast last night, President Monson was of course speaking. Carter was sitting on my lap in front of the computer, he kept saying, "Hi pwofet Monson! Hi Pwofet Monson!" He was annoyed that he didn't stop and say hi back. -Probably why he only wants to see Pluto now. Haha. Kai Moments: 1. Kai is rolling around the floor now. Maybe two weeks ago he just figured out that rolling will get him from one side to another. What he hasn't figured out is that is won't get him forward and backward but he still tries to roll and then gets frustrated when he can't reach the toy in front of him. 2. Kai is cutting teeth. A few weeks ago he got his bottom two, and now he has one top one and the other one is going to break the skin anytime now. Story: Because I'm sure his mouth hurts, Kai has been biting me to the point where I bleed when I'm nursing him. Ow. and Yeah, Ow. It had gotten so bad a few weeks ago that I decided I was going to quit nursing and transition him to formula. I was kind of complaining to God about this, because I know nursing is best for Kai, but I was in tears everytime I nursed him. After a particularly painful day, I woke up the next morning, and I my cuts were completely healed! It was amazing. I didn't have anymore pain. It was a small thing, but I was the first time I really recognized the physical healing power of the atonement. I really felt like it was a blessing from God. And now we are happily nursing away.

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