Sunday, September 1, 2013

Our basement project is at least getting closer. After going through at least 10 samples of  grey paints- no lie- we found one we are settling for. It is still not grey. We don't understand why all the "greys" really look blue or purple or green. We even tried white paint with a few drops of black. Nope. That one looked blue. So our labor day = painting. Yesterday, we finished almost all of the wainscoting! We actually had a great time together. It was fun putting it up expect that we messed it up twenty times and had to keep recutting and renailing and reglueing everything. But hey- what else are old houses for? Oh and aside from my occasional lung bursting coughs the family is doing great.

A Carter Moment: We went on a walk today and he saw an old lady with white hair- he shouts out "look mom the prophet"! Haha. So funny. I'm imagining he got that idea from all of our storybooks where the prophets have white hair and beards. Who knows. New phrase of the week: "I can't mom." -actually means " I don't want too". Other favorites: I say, "Carter what do you want to eat?", he says "uh pink-a-butter and a nana, and eggs, and beans, and juice!"

A Kai Moment: We are so proud to announce that this week Kai got two teeth on the bottom! He's thrilled. He gets to try more foods now. He loves to eat pieces of fruit cocktail and he even tried shredded chicken this week. In other news- he fell off the bed last night! oop! And he might kinda have a small black eye from it. Parents of the year living in this house! Oh yeah- and he can sit up for a few minutes all by himself! Wow! Oh and- Carter and Kai can where the same size diapers and seem to have similar appetites. Hmmm...?

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