Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 5 of fly lady. I'm not doing perfectly at it. But everyday I have gotten my shoes on and tried to get ready at least before noon. I'm getting better at it everyday. The clean sink thing is amazing! I love it! And I've stuck with it this week. It's a Sunday night and my house is actually in good order. What an amazing feeling that is. And it paid off when my brother and sister in law surprised us with a visit. I was so happy I didn't have to worry about trying to pick up all the dirty diapers and clutter in the 10 minutes warning that we had. So awesome.

Yesterday was Carter's official two year old birthday. We actually celebrated it last week in Boise with my family at Jump Time- the ultimate trampoline park. Carter loved it! It was definently a much better idea than his one year old birthday party. When he turned one I themed his birthday party after Dr. Suess and it was adorable- looked like it should have been on pinterest. However- I realize now that was pretty dumb since he didn't care one bit about all the decorations. So this year we celebrated in a way he would enjoy!

A Carter Moment:

Anyway- we decided to put him in a toddler bed a few days ago. He calls it his "new bed" and loves it until its time to get in it. Well after the battle of putting him back in bed about four times we thought he had fallen asleep so Case and I went outside to finish planting our garden. After a few minutes, Casey went around the front of the house to get a few more plants from the front step where we had been "hardening" them. Much to our suprise- there was Carter banging on the outside of the garage door. Yikes! Of course my imagination ran wild about the things that could have happened had Casey not gone back around the house. So Carter looks at Casey and says- "No Bed"! Oh so scary.

A Kai Moment:

Kai learned to scratch his diaper. He thinks the sound is super awesome. He has also started spitting up like every time he eats.  I forgot they do that. Darn. More laundry.

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