Sunday, May 26, 2013

We could have lost our sweet baby Carter this weekend. It was terrifying. The short version is- two friends from the ward and I had a yard sale this weekend at one of the friends' houses. Her house borders a canal. I went to nurse Kai and asked my other friend to keep an eye on Carter. Like any normal mother she must have just gotten side tracked. When I came back from nursing Kai - I asked where Carter was and nobody knew for sure. After I had eliminated the house and the garage I started to panic and just then some Angel hispanic men driving down the canal bank on the back of an old pickup starting yelling over the backyard fence "is this someone's kid?" It was my kid, my little baby had been playing on the bank of the canal alone. He loves the water. He says "hi" to the water when ever we go on walks past the canal. If those men hadn't been there at that time and picked him up he might have drowned and I think my soul would have been buried with him. I cried. And then later I cried some more. How I thank God today that my little boy is still here. That night it was almost like mourning his loss even though he obviously survived. I couldn't get over that devastating feeling- I can't imagine the pain of parents who lose their children in accidents like that. I don't know if I would ever feel alive again if any of my babies died. They are the reason for my life. I have dedicated the rest of my life to serving the Lord by trying my best to raise His sons to be like Him. I'm a little more grateful today for my boys, and even though I like to think I'm not racist- I'm a little more humble- and very thankful that is some Hispanic laborers- people we label as unrefined- saved the life of my little boy.

A Carter Moment: We have started using time out with Carter. He sits on a little chair and I count to ten when he hits or pinches. Today during dinner -out of the blue he sat in his little booster chair and counted out ten pieces of roast! Wow! Haha- the lessons that time out teaches. Who knew. However, so as not to be vain and think my child is completely brilliant- while on our Sunday drive he kept calling the Cow's horses and the horses pigs. And was totally confused about which animal made which sound. It was pretty funny.

A Kai Moment: Kai likes his mommy. Poor daddy. He tries so hard to comfort Kai for me, but just as soon as I take him out of Daddy's arms he calms down and wants to hold my finger with his little hands. It's amazing that a tiny baby can make you feel so important and special. He needs me and I feel fulfilled meeting his needs. However to Daddy's credit- I cannot get him to laugh. He will smile at me but Daddy can get Kai Guy to giggle. It is the cutest happiest sound in the world! He is especially ticklish in his little chubby leg rolls and under his chin.

PS- fly lady is still going well. I'm lovin' it! My house isn't perfect but it's getting a little better every day. I have to start at day 8 now even though technically I should be at day 11 or something. But I'm not discouraged. I'm just happy to be having success as far as I've gotten so far.

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