Sunday, June 2, 2013

This week was not what I expected- but it was full of good lessons. Casey's brother Kelton got his mission call- but decided before it showed up that he didn't want to go- at least for now. Long story short- between that and the constant battle of taking care of Grandma Lucille/feeling like she can't ask for help, Camille needed some help. So the little boys and I took off on Wednesday afternoon to go relieve grandma for a couple of days. I love that lady! She is sweet and kind and good. But I am secretly so excited that I got to encourage her to try some things with her kids that I've been  hoping she would do for a while now. My little brother and sister in law are good kids- they really are- but they don't help out their mother much around the house. So me- being my mother's daughter- wanted to try to help relieve her burden my organizing! Haha. My mom would be proud. We made chore charts and assigned consequences and made a calendar to hopefully bring her some help and some consistency to her life! Now the trick will be if she follows through with it and her kids cooperate. May the force be with her! :) I did learn some things about Case's family this week. My respect and understanding for my father in law grew. It's very interesting to see the workings of a family that is different then your own. It was good for me.

In other news- Casey sold his bike for $200 so he could buy a road bike this week for lets just say... more than that. He's super excited about it so he can race in the Spudman. He also finished killing our backyard full of weeds! Yay! And then he hired to boys from the ward to come haul all the cut sod off the lawn. One did a great job- the other (younger brother) had a great time looking at bugs and worms. Hmmm. Oh well.

A Carter Moment: Today Carter kept yelling "babe!" at Casey everytime he wanted his attention. Haha. Just goes to show you that kids really do pick up on what we say and do. We could not convince him to call Casey, Daddy. To Funny!

A Kai Moment: This week at Grandma's house Carter kept trying to take Kai with him on the trampoline. Kai is such a little trooper. He just locks out his little legs and looks at me with wide eyes and holds on for dear life while his brother tries to love/torture him! He is so good about it. I believe he will be my patient boy.

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