Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Carter Moment: Carter will not stay in bed. It's the new thing. First he needs water. Then a kiss. Then water. Then he wants to sleep in Mamma and Dadda's bed. Then he just comes out and says "hey mama" and stands there. Oh the naughtiness. But it is so dang cute. I do wish he would stop coming into our bed in the middle of the night. Neither Casey or I are sleeping well. Ugh.

A Kai Moment: Yay! Kai rolled over by himself- yesterday- I am told by my hubby. But I saw it for the  first time today! And I've been so worried that because I've done almost zero tummy time with Kai that maybe he wouldn't figure it out or something. Nope. He did just fine with no practice.We go on a lot of walks together and he does the cutest thing. He arches his head almost to a 90 degree angle to his shoulder just so he can see me. How cute is that. He just stares at me and then when ever I talk to him he gets the happiest biggest open mouth smile. I'm in love!

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