Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Carter Moment: I just have to write this one funny story today. Carter was trying to get me to pay attention to him while I was changing Kai's diaper in one room and he was in the kitchen. He would say "mama, mema (movie)" and I would reply "just a minute" or "one second". This conversation was happening the whole time I was changing Kai. Finally Carter came into the room- tipped his head sweetly to one side and said, "Honey Babe, Desus Mema?" Haha. Oh it tickled my funny bone. Maybe he thought if was really nice he would finally get my attention long enough to turn on his very favorite movie, The Testaments. Haha. So cute!

Fly Lady day 11 says: add inspirational quotes to your "control journal" which is this blog. My favorite right now is-

"Motherhood is not something you do if you can squeeze in the time, its what God gave you time for." Helps me with perspective.

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