Thursday, May 16, 2013

My life feels like chaos-fun, crazy, messy chaos. With my two beautiful boys Carter (2) and Kai (3 months) my house is filled with silly songs and dirty diapers. Since yesterday I about had a major meltdown over the chaos that is my house- I decided I needed to do something different. I remember reading about FlyLady a while back so I decided to try it to bring just a little order to my happy- but extremely messy and cluttery life. There are 31 days of flylady bootcamp so I decided to try it and do it as a personal progress goal to modivate myself. For day 1- yesterday- all I had to do was shine my sink-like some major serious shining. I did it and I was so happy. The goal is to keep it empty and shining all the time. Done. Day 2- get dressed from head to toe- including shoes hair and makeup so I feel like a person with a purpose instead of a pajama wearing barefoot housewife. Done (even though it took me till two and I was supposed to do it first thing). Oh well- I did it and I feel good about it! I'm excited and motivated to continue this total housewife makeover - mostly to preserve my own sanity and perhaps to save the lives of my little boys- and perhaps the affection of my husband. :) 

A Carter Moment: We had FHE on Monday about Temples- we took him to the Twin Falls temple and walked around the grounds pointing everything out about temples. Then this morning in our breakfast prayer (which I say and he repeats) I tried to say Amen, and he said to me "no, no". And then kept praying himself saying "tayto" for "pepple"-his version of Temple- and a long string of others things including the whole extended family and his "nanas and bubber" (bananas and peanut butter) and then finished all by himself with "Christ, Amen". Oh what a proud moment. 

A Kai Moment: Poor baby. I think he has an ear infection. He is still recovering from a yeast infection. (hmmm wondering if this is related to my fairly disgusting house and lack of good hygiene such as washing hands and binkies regularly. oops.) Mother of the year right here. As a side note- while I'm bragging- he is currently sleeping on the counter- soundly and maybe not so safely. 

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